
Our history goes back a long way

Fundraising is in our DNA. We were raising money for the Sydney Opera House before it was constructed.  The Sydney Opera House Ladies’ Committee was formed in 1957. The Lady Mayoress, Mrs H. F. Jensen became the patron and Mrs Marcel Dekyvere the founding president. The Committee was charged with “encouraging public interest” but translated, this meant raising funds for the New Sydney Opera House.

The first major fundraising function was The Sydney Opera House Easter Ball – held in 1959.

Before the opening of the Sydney Opera House in 1973, the Ladies’ Committee had already come close to donating a million dollars to the Opera House Appeal Fund

Feel free to scroll down the table below for detailed look at our timeline.

YearMonthDayEventKey Committee Members
1957AugustLadies Committee established at behest of NSW Premier, the Hon. J.J.Cahill M.L.A.1st President - Lady Mayoress, Mrs Harry Jensen, Vice-President - Mrs Marcel Dekyvere
1959March2nd President - Mrs Marcel Dekyvere, Patroness - Lady Mayoress, Mrs Harry Jensen
1959Deputy President and Hon Assistant Secretary - Mrs George Sample
1960Mrs George Sample also took up position of Treasurer until 1980
1960Mrs Elsa Jacoby became co-Deputy President
1960Sir Charles Mackerras concert in Sydney University's Great Hall
1962Nationwide Operatic Aria Competition sponsored by Qantas & Daily Mirror
1962Viscountess Dunrossil attended Easter Ball in Town HallLady Griffin (Lady Mayoress) joined Committee
1968Mr Davis Hughes, Minister of Public Works requested Committee to be on recess until Opera House delays are over in 1973
1972Opera Ball in Town Hall
1973MaySydney Opera House establishes Dennis Wolanski Library of the Performing Arts.
1973Opera House construction completed
1973Oct15Utzon's Timeless Dream
1973Oct20Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II officially opens Sydney Opera House
1973Dec20The Sydney Opera House Trust officially reinstated the Ladies Committee
1974Jan23Ladies Committee re-activated under re-constituted Sydney Opera House Appeal Fund
1974FebFashion Parade by Le Louvre held in Northern Foyer, Concert Hall with Lady Cutler attending
1974AugGeneral Manager, Frank Barnes, wrote to Mrs Dekyvere mapping out a program of exhibitions at the House and inviting the Ladies’ Committee to become involved
1975Dec15The Archives of Theatrical Memorabilia Exhibition, opened by premier Tom Lewis, is presented by Ladies Committee in Association with the SOHT 15 Dec 1975- 14 January 1976
1976Sept18Radio Granny Remembers - Queenie Ashton's story when she met Nellie Melba
1976Oct23Dinner Dance "Romano's Revisited" function
1976Dec26The exhibition Splish Spash was presented by the SOHT in association with the Department of Sports and Recreation. Coordinated by Barbara Firth from the Ladies’ Committee, the exhibition drew on the Annette Kellerman collection, which had been acquired by the Dennis Wolanski Library in September 1976 with the assistance of Mrs Firth
1980Mrs George Sample - 3rd President
1980List of elected Committee members published
1981$4,255 donated for purchase of Music Collection Dictionary Catalog from New York Public Library
1982Sydney's Lord Mayoress, Lady Rowland attended 25th Anniversary Luncheon of the Committee
1983March21$6,585 donated towards Library's new photocopy machine
1984May8Total $6,400 (including final cheque on 12/6/1984) donated towards Isador Goodman Grand Piano
1984May$250 donated to John Antill Appeal
1985Aug13$2,377 donated to SOH Trust Library sound system
1985Oct13$3,500 donated to SOH Trust Library and $1,575 towards Sarah Grunstein recital dinner
1986May15$2,000 donated towards SOH Trust Library through functions "Guys & Dolls" and "Canadian Caper Film Day"
1986Sept15$1,500 donated towards SOH Trust Library
1986Dec31Fund Raising by Theatre Parties (Sweet Bird of Youth, Cocoon and Guys & Dolls), Visit to Tomkin's Nursery, Luncheons (Mrs Scharrer's home and Mrs Jacoby's home), Canadian Caper Film Day and Fashion Parade at RMYC
1987Feb12$1,500 donated towards SOH Trust Library
1987Aug12$3,000 donated towards SOH Trust Library
1987Oct13$2,000 donated towards SOH Trust Library
1987Dec8$250 donated to Royal Art Society
1987Dec31Fund Raising by Theatre Party (A Private Function), Luncheons (Mrs Hargreave's home, Journalists Club & Mrs Jacoby's home), International Film day (Sweden), Book Launch and Art Show
1988Mar5$5,000 donated towards SOH Trust Library for Alisa's tea party. Alisa was Dame Joan Sutherland's half sister
1988Jul12$5,000 donated towards SOH Trust Library for day bus trip to Bangaloe stud on 7/5/89 and Theatre Party "42nd Street" in 1989
1989Mrs Elsa Jacoby - 4th President
1989Mrs Ann Harris-Thompson - Deputy President & Hon Secretary
1989Aug30Art show in North Sydney with Royal Art Society
1989Nov11Exhibition of paintings by William Grunstein at The Holdsworth Galleries who has donated one for Committee's auction. Performance by Sarah Grunstein
1989Dec31Fund raising by Theatre Parties (Torvill & Dean, Anything Goes, 42nd Street, Star Spangled Girl, Evita), luncheons at Boardroom and Mrs Jacoby's home, Korean Film Day, Bus Trip to Bangaloe Stud, Art Shows at Walker St and Holdsworthy Galleries and Fashion Parade at City Tattersals Club
1971-1990Over $50,141 donated to Library
1981-1990$5,000 donated for Isador Goodman Memorial Steinway Piano
1981-1990Over $10,000 donated to develop collection of opera and musical scores and publications
1981-1990$4,500 donation to collect stagecraft
1981-1990$22,500 donated for SOH Oral Project to record interviews with people connected with the building
1981-1990Total of about $100,000 donations made to SOH
1981-1990The library name for collection formally appears as the Dennis Wolanski Library & Archives of the Performing Arts under Librarian, Paul Bentley
1981-1990Held International Film days in Reception Hall to raise funds
1990Jan2$5,500 donated towards framing of Philip Granger's painting purchased by SOH Trust
1990May24$1,100 raised by French "Limoges China" Day luncheon
1990Sept7Dame Joan Sutherland and Richard Bonyge Luncheon at Benelong Restaurant
1990Dec31Fund raising by French Film Day, Limoges Display, Art Exhibition and Luncheon with Dame Joan Sutherland
1991Acquired original score of Peter Sculthorpe's "Rites of Passage", John Antill's "Corroboree" and his violin, the flute which accompanied the voice of Dame Nellie Melba, Johnny O'Keefe's leopard trimmed tuxedo, Harry Lauder's crooked walking stick for collection
1991Mar21Austrian Film Day Luncheon raised $2,300
1991AprJill Antill-Rose presented original score of "Corroboree" to Paul Bentley for inclusion in the Archives. The score was a bequest from her father John Antill
1991June12$8,000 donation to SOH Trust to acquire bust of Harry Rickards (1843-1911), founder of Tivoli Circuit in 1893
1991SeptMr Bill Grunstein donated a painting "Iris" for raffle in coming "Tivoli Memories" exhibition
1991Sept26Exhibition of Tivoli Memories in Reception Hall of Opera House. Mrs Elsa Jacoby presented the bust of Harry Rickards to Mr Lloyd Martin, GM of SOH
1991Barbara Firth updated the History of the Ladies Committee (1957 - 1991)
1991Mrs Nola Dekyvere C.B.E., Mrs Barbara Bennett and Mrs Janet Pritchard passed away
1991DecMrs Ann Harris-Thompson replaced Mrs Elsa Jacoby as PresidentMrs Ann Harris-Thompson, 5th President
1992Feb11Mrs N Dekyvere was fondly remembered in "Tivoli Memories Day" event. Previous president, Mrs Elsa Jacoby's health is failing. Noted that International Film days are successful for fund raising
1992Mar10Update by Mr P Bentley on Nola Dekyvere tribute and restoration of Corroboree manuscripts. Planning for Italian Film Day, Limoges/Casa and Fashion Parade events
1992Apr14Italian Film Day raised a profit of $2,300 and planning for Limoge Day, Dame Joan Sutherland luncheon and Fashion Parade.
1992May11Committee member, Mrs Ailsa Hargreaves, passed away
1992May12Mrs Oatley lost the Princess Bourghese raffle prize during Italian Film Day on 26/3/92. Replacement prize purchased for winner. Sad passing of Committee member Mrs S Simpson. New name for The Library to be known as "The Dennis Wolanski Library of the Performing Arts" with the word "archives" removed
1992Jun9Limoges/Casa talk by Ivan Methot and gift of a plate for raffle was most generous. "The New Grove Dictionary of Opera" by Stanley Sadie was selected for Nola Dekyvere collection
1992Jul14Detail planning for Dame Joan Sutherland luncheon and press coverage
1992Aug4Luncheon held on 24/7/92 at Italian Consul General Dr Fabio De Nardis' Double Bay home raised $1,700 for Dennis Wolanski Library of Performing Arts. Dame Joan Sutherland was guest of honour
1992Aug11$2,500 as part payment to SOH Trust for Nola Dekyvere memorial
1992Aug11Discussions on publicity of Dame Joan Sutherland luncheon, plans for SOH Performing Arts Museum (est costs $6.73M)and coming events
1992Sept8Planning for future luncheons and photographs of Dame Joan Sutherland taken on 24/7/92 luncheon was distributed
1992Oct13Discussions on book plate as memorial to Mrs Nola Dekyvere and luncheon details (29/10/92)
1992Oct29A Tribute to Nola Dekyvere, CBE luncheon
1992Nov10Soprano Frances Chambers sang at luncheon (29/10/92)
1992Dec8Fund raising by combined committees function (29/10/92), fashion parade (on 1/12/92 in Mrs N White's Pymble home raised only $900) and Greek Film Day (25/3/93). Case of missing Princess Borghese parcel/gift
1992DecCommittee member, Mrs Shirley Bridges, passed away and Mr Dennis Wolanski also died this year
1993Mar$1,210 for preservation work on John Antill's manuscript of "Corroboree"
1993Mar25International Film Day - Greece was attended by Mr Michael Kabsilibakis, Director of Greek National Tourist Centre who presented the film with Mrs Freda Ponaracas. Mr Ioannis Cambolis, Consul-General had to be at another Greek National Day function
1993Apr13$2,500 final payment to SOH Trust for Mrs Grove and other items, Nola Dekyvere memorial and SOH 20th Birthday
1993MayDennis Wolanski Library of the Performing Arts established by generous donation from the estate
1993May26Mr Phillip Wolanski attended Reception Hall luncheon and spoke about his father Dennis Wolanski, sculptor, and thanked everyone for their support in establishing the library
1993May20th birthday of SOH celebration
1993Jul26$5,000 donation to SOH Trust for Oral History project
1993Fashion Parade by Noni B. Fashion Chain in honour of Joan Sample, retired President
1993$5,000 donation for Nola Dekyvere bequest
1993DecJohn Antill Corroboree restoration completed
1994Mar17International Film Day - India was attended by Mr C. P. Ravidranathan, Consul-General India who presented a series of videos of his country
1994Mar31Mrs Elsa Jacoby M.B.E. who was President for 3 years passed away
1994Jun14$3,000 additional donation for Oral History project
1994Jul7Lunch with June Bronhill at Bennelong Restaurant and guest of honour, Colleen Clifford
1994Sep29Mr Alan Jackson paid tribute to late Elsa Jacoby as well as honoured guest, Dame Joan Sutherland and Mr Lloyd Martin. Frances Chambers, Patricia Woolridge and Eileen Dyer performed
1994Nov24Lunch and visit to "The Unseen Utzon" in the SOH Exhibition Hall with talk by John Murphy, Curator. Mr Rodney Phillips, Deputy GM SOH, and Mr Paul Bentley, Librarian Dennis Wolanski Library of the Performing Arts, also spoke on this exhibition
1994Dec13Christmas luncheon
1995Mar16International Film Day - U.S.A. in Reception Hall was attended by Mr Gregorie Bujac, Consul-General U.S.A. and his wife and Mr Lloyd Martin, GM SOH
1995May2Announcement at Northern Foyer luncheon to fund all of the restoration of Utzon documents and drawings housed in State Library in memory of late President, Mrs Elsa Jacoby. Today was her birth date and Mrs Toni Frank, Elsa's daughter came from Perth to attend
1995Jun29Luncheon in Reception Hall with Nova Youth orchestra
1995Aug24Morning tea at State Library with tour through State Library and Mitchell Library
1995SeptLuncheon in Bennelong restaurant with June Bronhill as guest of honour and Simon Tedeschi performed on piano
1995Oct16Mr Moffatt Oxenbould, Artistic Director SOH talked about "The Eighth Wonder" opera which premiered on 14/10/1995. Performers included Emma Lysons, Stephen Matthews and Stephen Walter
1995Dec12Christmas luncheon attended by SOH Trust members
1995DecJan Stuart replaces Louisa Harrison as Secretary
1996March7International Film Day - "The Netherlands" held in Reception Hall. Mr Theo Brummelaar represented the Consul General gave a talk of his home country while the malfunctioned video equipment was replaced for the film to commence 1/2 hr laterMrs Ann Harris-Thompson re-elected as President, Yvonne Webb and Pamela Lord are Deputy Presidents
1996March28Lunch at City Tattersalls Club for Mrs Stella Cooper who had to retire from Deputy President role due to ill-health. Pamela Lord and Yvonne Webb nominated to Deputy President positions
1996April17Shirley Hay assisted with lunch at Marion Street Theatre and show "Wait Until Dark"
1996May14$1,147 donation to State Library NSW for micro-filming Utzon manuscripts (Feb-March 1996)
1996May14$1,176 additional donation to State Library NSW for micro-filming Utzon manuscripts (13/5/1996)
1996Jun27Luncheon at Reception Hall with talks by The Performing Arts team: Ron Haddick, Nancy Hayes, Bevan Wilson and Barbara Stephens
1996Sep19Luncheon at Reception Hall for Dame Joan Sutherland O.M. A.C. O.B.E. Artists include Lanneke Jones (soprano) and 12 yrs old Quyen Le (piano,violin)
1996Nov7John Murphy, Curator, spoke on "The Unseen Utzon" in State Library luncheon. Leslie Walford spoke on the exhibition "Belles at the Ball" and his work with the Black/White Committee for the Royal Blind Society which was founded by his mother. Foundation President, Mrs Marcel Deckyvere C.B.E. also served on this committee for 17 years as president
1996Dec10Christmas luncheon
1996Dec18$1,000 donation to State Library NSW for exhibition of "Possessed" from March to July 1997
1997Feb24$622 additional donation to State Library NSW for micro-filming Utzon manuscripts
1997Mar13Farewell luncheon at Reception Hall for Mr Lloyd Martin, GM SOH who retired the following day. Pianists Elizabeth Long and Glenn Amer played with talented singers Ditta Zizi and Kevin Hooper
1997May1Donated $1,000 to sponsor the painting "Louis gives final instructions to the Compte de la Perouse before his voyage of discovery" in the State Library exhibition "Possessed".
1997May1Luncheon in State Library with tour of "Possessed" exhibition and talk "Preservation of Manuscripts Papers" by Marion Rubbos Bennett
1997May10$720 additional donation to State Library NSW for micro-filming Utzon manuscripts
1997May28$382 additional donation to State Library NSW for micro-filming Utzon manuscripts
1997Jun10$5,000 donation to SOH Appeal to micro-film press books from 1957 to 1973
1997Jun17$800 donation to State Library NSW for micro-filming Utzon's drawings
1997Jul31Luncheon in Reception Hall, SOH to welcome new CEO, Mr Tim Jacobs and performers were Elizabeth Long, John Davies and Glenn Amer
1997Aug18$1,262 final payment to State Library NSW for micro-filming Utzon collection
1997Aug7Lunch to pay tribute to Lindy Stevens prior to her 6 months leave from the SOH GM Office
1997Aug8$4,388 donation to State Library NSW for cabinet to house Utzon collection
1997Dec4$8,425 donation to State Library NSW forarchives cover paper to preserve Utzon's original plans
1997DecSOH Dennis Wolanski Library official closed. Some material retained by SOH. Other material was transferred to State Library of NSW, Powerhouse Museum, Arts Centre Melbourne, UNSW Library and 12 other institutions
1997DecCompletion of Phase 1 of the preservation of the Utzon Collection by State Library. Copy of the microfilm was to be included in SOH Archives and named in honour of late President Elsa Jacoby
1997Dec9Eileen Marie Dyer passed away
1998Mar12Reception Hall luncheon - Spain, International Film Day had "The Romantic Roads of Spain" and "Castles of Spain" introduced by Mrs Jeannie Bo-Well who lived in Spain. Mr Mariano del Campo, Vice-Consul of Spain called from overseas. Buffet tapas luncheon was served
1998Jun11Luncheon and exhibiton of "The Architect's Sketchbook" at State Library. John Murphy, Curator also showed guests the original plans for Utzon's private Sydney home and film of Utzon recently taken in Majorca discussing his Sydney tenure
1998Sept3Luncheon for Dame Joan Sutherland with artists Georgie Irish, John Cummins, Fiona McCabe and Elizabeth Long
1998Nov12Committee's 41st Birthday Lunch held in Reception Hall, SOH was attended by the only remaining member of original 7 Committee, Mrs Ruth Snider. Mr Corbett Gore, Chief Construction Engineer of Hornibrook Co responsible for SOH's outer shells was also present. Evgeny Ukharov (16 yrs old) performed
1998DecDifficult year establishing ties with new CEO Mr Lynch, rising costs of SOH venues, ill health of Committee members and deaths of Joan Beaumont's husband, Laurie and President's husband
1999Jan15$100 donation to Marist Fathers Mission in East Timor in memory of Laurie Beaumont
1999Feb9$10,000 donation to SOH Trust for purchase of InFocus Lite projector
1999May20John and Shirley Germain, Kevin Hooper and Rachael Cunningham performed at Reception Hall luncheon
1999Oct14John Murphy of Phillips Antiques and Valuers gave a talk on some of the treasures and costumes of Lord McAlpine's Bishops House Collection. Mercia Bush, GM Sponsorship/Marketing State Library spoke on The Master Plan regarding Jorn Utzon's plans. Lesley Martin paid a tribute to June Bronhill at this luncheon
1999Sept14$4,000 donation for conservation and preservation of Utzon's 1958 Red Book
1999Nov9Lecture by Prof. Neville Quarry, Richard Johnson and Joseph Skrzynski on "Utzon: The Master Plan for SOH & Precincts" at State Library
1999Nov9Certificate of Appreciation presented to Committee by Chairman of SOH Trust, Mr Joseph Skrzynski for preservation and conservation of Utzon Archive by State Librarian & Chief Executive, Dagmar Schmidmaier
1999Nov17Lunch and performance of "Old Wicked Songs" at Marion Street Theatre
1999DecRestored Utzon's "Red Book" signed by Utzon and his colleague, Sir Charles Moses
2000Feb9Presented CEO Michael Lynch with $10,000 donation for In-Focus Lite projects and equipment
2000Mar30Alison Alford of Phillips Antiques gave a talk and Jocelyn Rechter performed for guests at The Women's Club luncheon
2000Apr4Continue with restoration of Utzon Collection followed by sponsorship of The Olympic Art's Utzon Display
2000Jun21Luncheon with artists from "Talking Heads" at Killara's Marion Street Theatre
2000July1Endorsement as an income tax exempt charity from ATO
2000Jul11President obtained ABN number 11774 338 836 for business tax purposes
2000JulProf Neville Quarry A.M. Chair Architecture Hon. Advisory State Library wrote to thank the Committee for past and on-going sponsorship of Utzon Archives in the State Library
2000Jul19$5,000 donation to Library Council of State Library NSW for Utzon Display. Project Manager, Martin Wale showed Committee items from the display e.g. plans and drawings
2000Aug25Utzon work a real draw" showing Linda Banks and Ann-Harris-Thompson handing $5,000 cheque to Martin Wale of State Library
2000Aug31Sean Andrews, Jennifer Elise, Stella Roache performed at The Women's Club luncheon
2000Nov23Martin Wale spoke on Olympic Arts Display at State Library luncheon. Marion Ives played on the harp and Tippas White Catering provided the food
2000Nov23State Library luncheon - Curator Elizabeth Ellis also spoke on The Utzon Collection
2000DecBust of Harry Rickards finally moved from Opera House to State Library to be together with the Tivoli papers
2000DecDifficulties in finding luncheon venues with piano or agreeable price structure. SOH Reception Hall, Holding Kitchen and section of expanded shop were unsuitable
2000DecPresident thanked Committee for successful year and Mr John Crow, CA our Hon Auditor who assisted us despite recovering from surgery
2001Feb13Decision to meet every 2nd Thursday due to availability of Board room
2001Mar1John Bolton-Wood (baritone) performed at The Women's Club luncheon
2001May3$1,419 donation to State Library NSW for treatment to preserve marble bust of Harry Rickard purchased in 1991 from sculpture James White. Lloyd Martin, retired Manager, SOH and last Manager/Director of the Tivoli was quest of honour at the Tivoli Memory Day to see the restored Harry Rickards bust
2001MayPublicity from Jerelynn Brown, Publications Newsbreak, with pictures of the Tivoli Day and acknowledgement of more than $30,000 donation to State Library for specific projects relating to Utzon Collection
2001July5Passing of Committee member, Louisa Harrison who donated many fine handcrafts
2001Aug30John Germain replaced Geoffrey Chard who was sick at luncheon to sing with Babs McKinnon
2001Oct17Held special luncheon with artists from "A Poor Student" by Nick Enright from Killara's Marion Street Theatre because the theatre was due to close on 21/10/2001
2001Nov29Christmas luncheon with performers: Geoffrey Chard, Marie Tysoe, Betty Maitland and Michele Doak
2001DecLois Urry joins Pamela Lord as Deputy President
2002May2Luncheon with Stuart Maunder, Artistic Director, Opera Australia, singing with his wife, Anne-Marie McDonald on the piano
2002Jul4Richard Neville, Senior Curator Original Materials, spoke of the film negatives belonging to Jorn Utzon at State Library luncheon. Performer were Adrian Bell (cello) and Robert Smyth (guitar). Also had exhibition "Arts and Forgers" by George Edwards Peacock
2002Jul26Report of 4/7/2002 exhibition of 400 photographic prints made from a collection of 1,436 highly detailed negatives which were part of Utzon's own archive
2002Oct3Luncheon with baritone James Hoffmann winner of Joan Sutherland Vocal Scholarship award and Elizabeth Long (piano)
2002Oct16Meeting with Norman Gillespie, recently appointed CEO Sydney Opera House, who spoke on affordability of entry tickets, return to Exhibition Hall entertainment, concerts, film showing and fashion displays
2002Nov28Caroline Wenbourne (soprano) and Kate Golla (piano) performed at Christmas luncheon with Marie Tysoe, Babs McKinnon and Betty Maitland
2002DecEditorial in the Library Report showed pictures of Harry Rickard's bust donated by Committee
2003Mar1Secretary, Mrs Jan Stuart passed away
2003Apr3Dominica Matthew sang to accompaniment of Andrew Green at luncheon
2003Restoration and protection of drawings, plans, documents and films of Jorn Utzon for State Library Collection
2003June12Planning for luncheon on 16/6/2003 with expectation for 90 guests
2003June16Luncheon in Parliament House with guest The Hon. Mr Barry O'Farrell M.L.A. Performers were James Homann, Glenn Amer (piano) and Elizabeth Long (piano)
2003Oct2Adrian Collett, GM of Opera Australia spoke at luncheon and performers were Stuart Maunder and Ann-Marie McDonald
2003Oct18Celebrated 30th Birthday of Opera House with Jan Utzon representing his father, spectacular concert of opera, jazz and dance
2003Nov27Christmas luncheon at The Women's Club with Geoffrey Chard and Betty Maitland singing as well as Babs McKinnon and Marie Tysoe
2003DecCEO Opera House, Mr Norman Gillespie, visited Spain and gave the Architect's Prize to Jorn Utzon who was in good health
2004May31Luncheon in Parliament House with guest The Hon. Mr Barry O'Farrell M.L.A Deputy Leader of Opposition. Performers were Stephen Hall (baritone) and Elizabeth Long (piano)
2004Sept29Fund raising to refurbish the interior of SOH to the plans of Utzon
2004Nov29Confirmation of endorsement details for charity from ATO
2005Aug4Katherine Tier performed at The Women's Club luncheon
2005Oct13CEO Opera House, Mr Norman Gillespie, presented film of SOH documented by Stuart Wagstaff to members in Utzon Room
2005Dec8$17,000 donation to SOH Trust to repair electric system of Concert Hall's Grand Organ
2005Treasurer reported $128,796 was donatted to SOH from 1983 to 2005
2006Aug36 years celebrations for Ladies Committee
2006Aug31Luncheon with baritone Andrew Finden at The Women's Club
2006Nov23Christmas luncheon at The Women's Club with Babs McKinnon and Joan Crawford who spoke of her stage and television career
2006Dec14President Ann Harris-Thompson in hospital after a stroke. Received letter from Organ Pipe Reconstructions Pty Ltd dated 19/10/2006 regarding organ bells project
2006Dec28Anne was president for 15 years before she passed away on 29/12/2006. Memorial service held at St Swithun's Anglican Church in PymblePhoto of Ann Harris-Thompson and article "Dedicated to Charity"
2007JanList of elected Committee members published
2007Jan11Dr Gillespie confirmed Committee donations since 1983 totalled $128,000. Marie Tysoe elected as PresidentMrs Marie Tysoe, 6th President with Vice Presidents: Pamela Lord and Lois Urry
2007Feb8Report from Melissa Smith on SOH programs e.g. Balnaves Fundation Open House, Arts Assist and annual Giving Program
2007Mar8Pamela Lord and Lorraine Dawe collected Committee papers, photographs etc from Ann Harris-Thompson's home. St Ives Probus Club continue with their support which is 50% of our attendees
2007Mar29Glenn Amer performed at The Women's Club luncheon which raised a profit of $1,326. This was a memorial lunch for the late president, Ann Harris-Thompson
2007Mar29Guest of Honour, Dr Norman Gillespie
2007Apr12Report from Melissa Smith thanking the Committee for $10,000 donation and how it supports the Giving Program launched on 26/03/2007
2007May12Just months before SOH Trust is due to reveal a $500M plus overhaul of the building, CEO Norman Gillespie, announced he will quit his job when his 5-years contract ends in September. Dr Gillespie's departure is understood to relate to several issues, among them his relationship with Claire Swaffield, a chartered accountant with a degree in theology at the Opera House. In 2005, their relationship was reported to ICAC who referred the matter to an independent consultant who found no improprietyResignation of Norman Gillespie CEO
2007Jun14Expected SOH will receive World Heritage listing in end June 2007
2007Jun28Morning Tea in Utzon Room with screening of "House Under Sails" documentary showing first 20 years of SOH. 120 guests enjoyed this courtesy of Mrs Edna chadwick of Wahroonga. Well known artists Nancye Hayes, Ron Haddrick, Robert Allman and Andrew McKinnon performed with Jane Stewart playing the beautiful Irish harp
2007Jul12Four members of Committee presented Dr Norman Gillespie with $10,000 donation at SOH's Annual Giving Fund and Melissa Smith thanked Committee on behalf of SOH. Sue Nattross is Acting CEO until new one is appointedKim Williams AM (Chair, Sydney Opera House Trust) and Norman Gillespie CEO
2007July16UNESCO announced that SOH had been inscribed on World Heritage List on 28/6/2007.
2007Aug30Letter of thanks from Kim Williams AM, Chair of Opera House Trust for donation outlining where money is to be spent. Committee will be recognised at Leadership Circle levelAdrian Collette, CEO of Opera Australia
2007Sep13A Touch of Spain" luncheon at The Women's Club with Glenn Amer accompanying Jose Carbo Australian baritone and star of Opera Australia's Barber of Seville by Rossinni, singing Spanish songs. Mrs Gorrita attended from Spanish Consulate
2007SepNo meeting due to high security at SOH for Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) conference
2007Oct26Kim Williams, Chairman of SOH Trust congratulating Committee for 50th Anniversary on 29 Oct 2007
2007Nov29Our Golden Anniversary celebrations at Christmas luncheon (Women's Club) with guest of honour: Sue Nattross, Acting CEO and Pat Abbott, John Ballard, Chairman of Philanthropy Committee. Guest speaker Toni Lamond with piano-accordion virtuoso, Enzo Toppano and his son, Dean to entertain the guests. Babs McKinnon also singing carols
2007Dec13Ending the year with a trip to North Head to view the Royal Coach "Britannia" which is nearing completion as a gift to Queen Elizabeth
2008Feb14Welcomed new CEO, Richard EvansRichard Evans CEO SOH
2008Mar13Planning for coming event with Amelia Pryke and Anthony Carlow from SOH
2008Apr3My Fair Lady Luncheon (at The Women's Club) had talk by Stuart Mauder, Artistic Director SOH, which was interesting and guests treated to songs from Lerner and Loewe's wonderful scoreNorth Shore Times article dated 18/4/2008 with photos of "Our Fair Ladies", Marie Tysoe, Penny Hay, Joan Beumont,
2008Apr10Welcomed Amelia Pryke from SOH to meet with members
2008Jun2Viennese Champagne Morning Tea with film of "Andre Rieu at Schonbrunn" at Utzon Room. Guest of honour: Austrian Consul general, Mr Guido Stock
2008Jun12$5,000 presented to Richard Evans, CEO. Letter of sympathy to Judy Gibson for recent death of her husband. Freda Stephens has moved to retirement village in Mosman
2008Aug7Romantic Duets Singers: Catherine Bouchier (soprano), Andrew Moran (bass-baritone) were very good with accompanist, Sharolyn Kimmorley. Guest of honour: Victoria Doidge, Director of Marketing & Development, SOH
2008Aug14Profit of $1,371 from last event means prices need to increase for next event
2008Sep11Present CEO Richard Evans with $10,000 donation at next luncheon
2008Oct9Current auditors have gone bankrupt. David Kneeshaw offered to step in for no charge
2008Nov13Jenne Bo-Well, former Committee member, has passed away in Central Coast
2008Nov27Christmas luncheon had excellent choristers with Ross Cobb from St Andrew's Cathedral Choir and Holy Night was sung. Babs McKinnon OAM also sang for the guests
2008Dec11$20,000 donated to SOH Trust
2008Dec11Linda Banks resigned after 28 years as Treasurer and taking 3 month's leave of absence. New Treasurer was Betty Wooden
2009Feb12Attendees numbers are up, averaing 100 at each function. Raffles and auctions are great fund raisersRe-elected Mrs Marie Tysoe, President. Vice-Presidents: Pamela Lord and Lois Urry
2009Mar12Barry Winks of Barronton Jewellers has donated a black pearl necklace
2009Mar19Utzon room morning tea with "Mini Antiques Roadshow"
2009May14Marie announced a very good result with mini antiques road show and John Williams was very good as was the violinist, Derek Davies
2009Jun11Ann Eyland of the Women's Club was able to reduce the costs from $61 to $57. Need to get more guests as current numbers only show 67
2009Jun18Simon Ward was most entertaining as Noel Coward with pianist, Ingrid Sakurovs, at The Women's Club "A Cabaret Luncheon". Attendance (72) was lower due to same day functions with St Ives and Chatswood Probus Clubs. Profit was $872
2009Jul9Other venues to be considered next year as dessert/cake served was stale, no itemisation of food costs , no table menu and costs seem to keep on increasing at The Women's Club
2009Sep3Spring Morning Tea (Utzon Room) raised profit of $2,000. Performance by Nicholas Young (piano) had wonderful feedback: excellent technique, brilliant playing. Nicholas was National Winner of the Yamaha Australian Youth Piano Competition (2007) and currently studying at Sydney Conservatorium of Music
2009Sep10Planning for 4 events next year (2 in Utzon Room and 2 in Wome's Club)
2009Oct8$2,000 donated to Richard Evans for Utzon Series
2009Nov26Profit of $3,000 from Christmas Luncheon at The Women's Club including $1,700 from raffles. Dickens Down Under comprising of Maria Okunev (soprano-pianist), Peter-John Layton (tenor) and Christopher Hamilton (baritone) performed
2009Dec10Marie Tysoe standing down as President recognising there is a need for a new direction. Lois Urry elected as new President
2010Jan27Lois Urry, President; Vice Presidents: Pamela Lord and Marjorie May; Treasurer: Betty Wooden and Minutes Secretary: Barbara WaltersMrs Lois Urry, 7th President
2010Feb11Long leave of absence granted for Babs McKinnon due to family commitments
2010Mar11Final planning for morning tea and rejected suggestion to sell raffle tickets in advance
2010Mar18Autumn Morning Tea in Utzon Room with performers Fiona Garlick and John Barnard from the Early Dance Consort, specialising in the reconstruction of early European court dance from the Renaissance to 18th century
2010Jun10A Winter Luncheon at The Women's Club with Celeste Haworth (mezzo-soprano), nominee for Joan Carden award since 2008 and winner of Mezzo-Soprano prize at Sydney's Eisteddford
2010Jul8Freda Stepens made an honorary member
2010Aug12No meeting in September because of the luncheon on the same day and delighted that Glenn Amer can perform in Christmas luncheon
2010Sept9John Williams Antique and Fine Art Auctioneer gave valuations of items during "Mini Antiques Roadshow" luncheon in Utzon Room
2010Oct14Pamela Lord to book birthday lunch for Joan Beaumont to celebrate her 90th birthday next month
2010Nov11Invited Richard Evans and Bridgett Van Leuven to come and tell the Committee all about the SOH Education for Families program
2010Nov25Christmas luncheon at The Women's Club with Glenn Amer singer-pianist
2010Dec9Lois Urry resigned as President and Jan Kneeshaw was elected to replaced her
2011Jan20Anthony Carthew chaired the election of officer bearers: President, Jan Kneeshaw and Vice Presidents: Pamela Lord and Marie Tysoe. Treasurer: Betty Wooden and Minutes-Secretary: Barbara WaltersMrs Jan Kneeshaw, 8th President
2011Feb10Sales of tickets for coming luncheon reported to be very low even after invitations were sent to various Probus Clubs and Mosman Manors. Committee member, Freda Stephens, had passed away and sympathy card to be sent to her family
2011Mar3John Martin the pianist contributed largely to this successful Autumn Luncheon. Guest speaker was Helen Reddy
2011Apr18Letter of thanks sent to Tony Evans of Masterpiece Jewelry for once again supporting the Committee with a gift. Contacted Jane Rutter to distribute our invitations to her fan club
2011May5Mother's Day luncheon with Jane Rutter (flautist) at The Women's ClubJan Kneeshaw has North Shore Times ad for this event dated 29/04/2011
2011May12Utzon Drawings were laminated and bust of Harry Rickard, Organ - bells and Grand piano restored
2011Jun9Zoe Cobden-Jewitt, new Philanthropy Manager met Committee members following her return from UK. She had an interesting and varied career, including working for Covent Garden Opera House for 5.5 years
2011Jul14Treasurer's Report showed a profit of over $5,000 in this financial year and with auctions and raffles, Committee can fund $12,000 donation or a bit more next year
2011Jul26Christmas in July luncheon
2011Aug11Planned for coming events. Confirmation with Zoe Cobden-Hewitt that Committee will support Utzon Series for another year
2011Sep1Belorussian Morning Tea at Utzon Room was a success with Balalika Group (Lucy Voronov and Larissa Burak) and auctions for SOH Tours by Ralph Bott. Not everyone was happy with the food e.g. sandwich with no filling and difficulty getting a cup of coffee
2011Sep8Previous President, Louis Urry has moved house and no longer in contact with Committee. Jean Colvin resigned from Committee due to ill health
2011Oct13Concern over rising costs of venues and catering resulting in only $833 profit from last event despite $2,097 for raffles and auction
2011Nov10Increase in costs for events in The Women's Club next year but will not affect upcoming Christmas luncheon
2011Nov24Christmas luncheon at The Women's Club and Port Hacking High School choir (The Little Black Dresses) performed
2011Dec8Profit of $2,967 in Christmas luncheon. Decision to hold events in The Women's Club as other venues e.g. MCA, Four Seasons, Kirribilli Club and Parliament House were more expensive. $10,000 donation for Utzon Series of Concerts handed to Zoe Cobden-Jewitt, Head of Philanthropy
2012Jan12Letter of thanks from Richard Evans, CEO and Zoe Cobden-Jewitt, Head of Philanthropy for $10,000 for Utzon Series of Concerts in SOH
2012Feb2Committee is a not for profit organisation and does not have an ABN number. Need credit card facility for events
2012Feb2Re-elected: Mrs Jan Kneeshaw as President, Pamela Lord and Marie Tysoe as Vice-Presidents, Betty Wooden as Treasurer, Barbara walters as Secretary, Pauline Colvin as Social Secretary, Elizabeth White as Assistant Treasurer, Sandra Bartels as Ticketing Secretary and Marie Tysoe as Artistic Director
2012Mar8Treasurer's report presented a healthy balance for start of year. Focus on getting more supporters to March Cocktail party - numbers low despite efforts to distribute invitations in City Tatts, The Hilton, Sheraton, DJs, QVB etc
2012Mar9Cocktail Party in Utzon Room featuring artists from Sydney Youth Orchestra introduced by Ralph Bott and Utzon Series Curator, Yarmila Alfonzetti and auction of painting by Sandro Nocentini
2012Apr12$2,000 donated to SOH Utzon Series thru Ralph Bott
2012Apr12March Cocktail party was a success and it was felt that we should do this again. Profit made was $2,200
2012May10Mother's Day Luncheon at The Women's Club with display of gowns by Calvacade
2012May31Treasurer reported profit of $500 from May luncheon which is only $3.95 profit per person. This low profit prompted a letter (dated 1 June 2012 from President) to supporters for the need to increase future tickets slightly inorder to support the Utzon Music Series
2012Jun14Letter from Ken Williams, Chairman SOH to thank the Committee for support
2012Jul12Report on website, new name, beneficiaries and events for remaining of 2012 as well as in 2013
2012Jul19Midwinter Luncheon with Brad Cooper (tenor) and Sumiko Yamamura (pianist) at The Women's Club
2012Oct4Viennese Morning Tea with DVD of Marriage of Figaro (Geoffrey Chard, Heather Jelfs and Marie Tyseo) at The Women's Club
2012Nov29Christmas Luncheon at The Women's Club with Lisa Osmialowski (Flute), Simiko Yamamura (Piano) and Richard Rourke (Clarinet)
2013Jan17Re-elected Mrs Jan Kneeshaw as President, Pamela Lord and Marie Tysoe as Vice-Presidents, Pauline Colvin as Social Secretary and Marie Tysoe as Artisic Director. Sandra Bartels replaces Betty Wooden Treasurer and Lina Jaundrell replaces Barbara Walters as Secretary.
2013Jan17Barbara Walters and Betty Wooden remain as Committee members
2013Feb14Brook Turner, Director of External Affairs met with CommitteeBrook Turner, Director of External Affairs, SOH
2013Mar19Fabulous Forty Party celebrated 40 years since Opera House was built. Singers from Senisuara performed in Northern Foyer
2013Apr13Louise Herron, CEO, launched Committee's new name of "Sydney Opera House Ladies' Committee" at the Fabulous Forty Party which raised $5,275.62, one of the largest profit in years
2013May9Jan Kneeshaw read the letters from SOH thanking Committee for our donation to Utzon Series and idealist program
2013May30Morning Tea with Mandolins in Utzon Room had artists from Plektra Mandolin Group
2013June13Committee invited to celebrate SOH's 40th birthday from 20 Oct until 27 Oct including visit by Danish royals
2013Sept17Cocktail Party with "The Great Gatsby" theme in The Studio, SOH. Jazz group from Kirrawee High School performed
2013Nov28Christmas Luncheon in The Sydney Masonic Club with singers: Will and Glenn Amer
2013Dec12Jan Kneeshaw presented our $10,000 donation to Crispin Rice, Head of Philanthropy on behalf of Louise Herron, CEO
2014Feb6No change to Committee office bearers: Mrs Jan Kneeshaw as President, Pamela Lord and Marie Tysoe as Vice-Presidents, Sandra Bartels as Treasurer & Ticketing Secretary, Lina Jaundrell as Secretary, Pauline Colvin as Social Secretary and Marie Tysoe as Artistic Director
2014Feb6Mary Goozee and Dr Carolyn Lowry OAM joined the Committee
2014Feb6A letter and historic photographs of Committee with Joan Sutherland was sent to Richard Bonynge
2014Mar13Dinner Dance at RAC (21 March) with Kirrawee School Band cancelled with no penalties
2014May29Morning Tea at Women's Club with Peter Cousens singing and Anne-Maree McDonald, pianist
2014June12Launch of SOHLC.com website
2014July14Bastille Day brunch at The Union Club with Guy Noble accompanying his wife, Meredith O'Reilly singing songs by Piaf
2014Aug9Saturday Yum Cha at Fat Buddha in QVB
2014Sept12Prelude to Spring" High Tea at Castlereagh Boutique Hotel with pianist Evgeny Ukhanov
2014Nov27Christmas luncheon at Castlereagh Boutique Hotel with Stuart Maunder performing "Mad about Coward"
2014Dec11Louise Herron, CEO, thanked the Committee for our donations of $5,000 to Idealist program, $5,000 to Arts Assist and $5,000 to Disability Support program
2015Feb12Re-elected Mrs Jan Kneeshaw as President. Marie Tysoe as Vice-President, Sandra Bartels as Treasurer & Ticketing Secretary and Lina Jaundrell as Secretary
2015Feb12Changes to Committee office bearers include: Mrs Elizabeth White as Social Secretary instead of Pauline Colvin, Dawn Smith as Fundraising Co-ordinator, Dr Elizabeth Clark (new member) as Sponsorship Manager, Sue Haywood as Technology Manager and Carolyn Lowry as Artistic Director. Pamela Lord and Pauline Colvin remain with other Committee members while Mary Goosee has resigned
2015Feb12Committee invited to attend 2015 Launch of SOH Access program on 26/2/2015. This launch will showcase the upcoming year’s accessible program, and will include speeches from Louise Herron AM, CEO SOH, the Hon. John Ajaka, MLC, Minister for Disability Services and guest speakers, as well as exclusive performances from Club Swizzle, Australian Chamber Orchestra and Bell Shakespeare
2015Mar17St Patrick's Day brunch at The Union Club with fiddler, Bob McInnes and pianist Rhonda Langford. Dancers from the Currie-Henderson Academy of Irish Dancing also performed
2015Apr27ANZAC Day Remembered" brunch at The Union Club with historian, Warren Fahey AM
2015July8Introducing Miss Dally" brunch at Women's Club with speaker, June Dally-Watkins. Michael Hope was pianist for this event
2015Sept17Lunch at Union Club with John Martin and Melody Beck in concert, with speaker Jenny Spinack, Accessability mamanger for the Opera House's program
2015Oct25Committee members were invited to Lisa Gasteen's event supporting her opera academy in Brisbane
2015Nov12Re-elected Mrs Jan Kneeshaw as President. Marie Tysoe OAM as Vice-President, Sandra Bartels as Treasurer & Ticketing Secretary and Lina Jaundrell as Secretary
2015Nov12No change to Committee office bearers: Mrs Elizabeth White as Social Secretary, Dawn Smith as Fundraising Co-ordinator, Dr Elizabeth Clark as Sponsorship Manager, Sue Haywood as Technology Manager and Carolyn Lowry OAM as Artistic Director. Betty Wooden resigned and moved away from Sydney
2015Nov15Piano and Cello recital by Evgeny Ukhanov and Nicholas Kennedy at Committee member, Dr Elizabeth Clark's house. The 22 guests raised additional $1,000 for the Opera House's "Young people in the House" program.
2015Dec3Christmas luncheon at Castlereagh Boutique Hotel with Amelia Farrugia singing some opera favourites and carols
2015Dec3Crispin Rice, Head of Philanthropy, (on behalf of Louise Herron, CEO) accepted and thanked the Committee for our donations of $20,000 to the Opera House's programsCrispin Rice, Head of Philanthropy, SOH
2016Mar10Emerging Artists, Corinne Parker, soprano and Daniel Tambasco, tenor at the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel singing opera favourites
2016Apr28For the Love of Shakespeare" celebrates the 400 years since the Bard enjoyed his last quart of ale at The Union Club. Speaker, James Evans, Associate Director of Bell Shakespeare speaks on behalf of John Bell who is recovering from his recent accident
2016Jul23Saturday Yum Cha at Fat Buddha in QVB
2016Sept22“In the Mood for Spring” at The Women's Club with James Whelan & his alto Sax. Joel Jenkins was the pianist
2016Dec1Celebrating Christmas with "Festive Season" - Pastor Graham Long AM & Wesley Enoch, Director of 2017 Festival of Sydney, at The Grace Hotel. Evie Pickler led the guests in carol singing. Special collection of $1,000 was achieved for Wayside Chapel
2016Dec1Crispin Rice, Head of Philanthropy, (on behalf of Louise Herron, CEO) accepted and thanked the Committee for our donations of $20,000 to the Opera House's programs
2016Dec15Committee elected Dr Elizabeth Clark to 2nd Vice President role and the role of Sponsorship Co-ordinator was left vacant. No change to all other Committee positionsDr Elizabeth Clark elected as Vice President
2016Dec15Mrs Agnes Matrai joined the Committee
2017Feb9Committee congratulated Pamela Lord for her 35 years of service. She joined in 1982 and served as Vice-President until 2014. Marjorie May has also served for 30 years having joined in 1987Pamela Lord served Committee for 35 years (joined in 1982) and Marjorie May has served for 30 years (joined in 1987)
2017Mar16Blarney Brunch" to celebrate St Patrick's Day at The Union Club with fiddler, Bob McInnes and pianist, Rhonda Langford
2017Jun1If Music be the Food of Love" at The Women's Club to celebrate Italian love songs. Simon Kenway introducing and accompanying young opera singers: soprano Jessica Harper and baritone Daniel Macey and interviewing Nicole Dorigo (AO Italian language coach)
2017Aug17Celebrating Committee's 60th Anniversary with Lunch at Utzon room. Entertainment by choristers of Sydney Philharmonia Chamber Choir and members of Australian Youth Orchestra led by Brett WymarkSpecial Guest Professor The Honourable Dame Marie Bashir, AD CVO
2017Oct29Music and Lunch in a Spring Garden" at Agnes Matrai's home in Wahroonga. Two talented musicians, Emanuel Lieberfreund and Siegfried Mirza are well known and loved by Sydneysiders. They will play some classical, jazz, standard Latin, African, rock and eastern music
2017Dec7Christmas luncheon at Sir Stamford Hotel with actress Penny Cook, Lara Winsbury Amelia Farrugia and Brad Cooper, Geoffrey Chard, with Michael Hope (piano)Special guest: our new Patron, Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley
2017Dec14Committee donated $25,000 towards support of Opera House programs
2017Mrs Linda Hurley, wife of the Governor of New South Wales became our PatronMrs Linda Hurley, wife of the Governor of New South Wales became our Patron
2018Mar1My Funny Valentine Lunch with Brad Cooper (tenor) & Jonathan Wilson (pianist) at The Women’s Club
2018Apr11John Bell AO OBE in the Utzon Room Lunch accompanied by Bridget Bolliger (flautist) and Jane Rosenson (harpist)
2018June28High Tea Lunch at Strangers Dining Room, Parliament House hosted by Felicity Wilson MP. Speaker Dr Wendy Michaels OAM ‘When Women Became Persons’ about the story of Millicent Preston-Stanley MP with Susan Deas (pianist)Special guest: our new Patron, Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley
2018Sept5Songs for Spring Lunch with Cheryl Barker (soprano) and Simon Kenway (pianist) at The Women's Club
2018Oct24Pymble Players’ evening show "Quartet" by Ronald Harwood
2018Dec6A Dickens Christmas at the Sir Stamford Hotel featured Peter Carroll reading “A Christmas Carol” by Dickens with associated artistsSpecial guest: our new Patron, Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley
2018Dec6Committee donated $25,000 towards support of Opera House programs
2018Dec13Committee donated $25,000 towards support of Opera House programs. Carolyn Lowry and Dawn Smith introduced Janet Bagnall to CommitteeJanet Bagnall joined Committee
2019Mar5Patron, Mrs Linda Hurley, wife of the Governor of New South Wales, held a Cocktail Party for Committee members, long-time supporters and sponsors at NSW Government House on 5 March. The Army Band played, Kamahl AM sang to the accompaniment of Michael Hope on the piano and Mrs Linda Hurley dedicated her song to the CommitteeHosted by our Patron, Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley
2019Mar23Yum Cha at The Palace Chinese Restaurant
2019May8Professor the Hon. Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO was guest speaker at The Women’s Club (Sold Out)
2019Aug2Diva Delights with Valda Wilson (soprano) and Jonathan Wilson (pianist) at The Utzon Room (Sold Out)
2019Sept2Dawn Smith, our beloved Raffles Queen, passed away at the age of 80, after 24 years of service to the CommitteeCommittee member Dawn Smith passed away
2019Sept22Betty Wooden, Treasurer until 2011, passed away at the age of 87. She gave the Committee 13 years of service before she retired 4 years agoBetty Wooden who was Treasurer until 2011, passed away
2019Sept26Sparkling High Tea with Liesl Tesch AM, BSc, MP (speaker) and Hon. Jonathan O’Dea BA, LLM, MBA MP (host) at NSW Parliament House
2019Sept26Record profit (about $7,500) was achieved by the Parliament House High Tea because of the speaker, new venue and Dawn Smith’s special raffle!
2019Sept28Committee attended memorial service for Jillian Pratten our wonderful “Jane Austen” who passed away at the age of 85, after 22 years of serviceCommittee member Jillian Pratten passed away
2019Dec5Christmas Luncheon with Amelia Farrugia (soprano), James Martin (baritone), Simon Kenway (pianist) at Sir Stamford Hotel (Sold Out)Special guest: our new Patron, Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley
2019Dec5Committee donated $25,000 towards support of Opera House programs
2019Dec12Lunch and Film starring Marie Tysoe in the opera “The Devil Take Her” at SBW on 12 December (Sold Out)
2020Mar18Luncheon at The Women’s Club with John Martin
2020AprCommittee decided to cancel all events as a result of COVID-19 pandemic. President communicated with supporters regularly through emails e.g. "Jokes and All"
2020Nov25Our Patron, Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley invited the Committee to a delightful afternoon tea at Admiralty HouseHer Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley, wife of the Governor General of Australia, continued to be our Patron and hosted this event
2020Dec3Christmas Luncheon was held in The Four Seasons Hotel. The Kevinwood Handbell ringers and tenor, Brad Cooper entertained a record number of guests
2020Dec3Committee donated $5,000 towards "Performances on line" and $13,000 to the Opera House programs. In addition, our generous supporters gave a further $1,100 in tax-deductible donations, making a great total of $19,100.
2020Dec10Janet McLachlan and Sandra Bartels introduced two new members: Heather Easton and Barbara McKenzie-Gay to CommitteeBarbara McKenzie-Gay and Heather Easton joined Committee
2021Feb11Committee congratulated Jan for her OAM during meeting via "Zoom"Jan Kneeshaw, President received OAM honours
2021Mar11Pymble Players evening event "A Pack of Lies" was sold out making a profit of around $2,000
2021Mar25Committee enjoyed a talk about Sydney Opera House's history and contribution from the Committee by Paul Bentley. Later, we celebrated Agnes Matrai's 80th birthday with a lunch. Sue Haywood and Lina Jaundrell introduced Michelle Feehan to CommitteeMichelle Feehan attended Committee's General Meeting
2021Apr8General Meeting via "Zoom"
2021Apr29Castlereagh Boutique Hotel luncheon with Meredith O'Reilly and John Martin performing songs for Mother's Day. This event sold out bringing a profit of around $4,000.
2021May13General Meeting via "Zoom"
2021June10Committee met in Marie Tysoe's houseElspeth Richards attended Committee's General Meeting
2021June16Pymble Players evening event “Blithe Spirits" was also sold out and gave us a profit of around $2,300
2021July7General Meeting via "Zoom"
2021Aug12No General Meeting due to pandemic restrictions
2021Aug18Sydney Opera House Yallamundi Rooms - Lunch with Mr Darcy postponed again until 2022
2021Sept9No General Meeting due to pandemic restrictions
2021Sept24Castlereagh Boutique Hotel Dinner with Faulty Towers postponed once more due to pandemic lockdown
2021Oct14General Meeting via Zoom
2021Nov11AGM and General MeetingMichelle Feehan and Elspeth Richards voted in as Committee members. Then Michelle Feehan was voted in as President replacing Jan Kneeshaw OAM (who was President for past ten years).
2021Dec3Four Seasons Hotel Christmas Luncheon with soprano Julie Lea Goodwin and accompanist Guy Noble. This event had the largest number of guests (155) and profit of around $14,000Attended by Patron, Mrs Linda Hurley and Sydney Opera House CEO Louise Herron
2021Dec3Committee gave Sydney Opera House CEO a donation of $15,000 plus another $5,000 in tax-deductible donations, making a total of $20,000 for this calendar year
2021Dec9General Meeting in Pitt St Meeting RoomsLesley Cady and Judi Martin invited to attend Committee's General Meeting
2022Feb10Evening event by Pymble Players - "Building Blocks" which resulted in around $2,000 profit
2022Mar19Yum Cha at The Palace Chinese Restaurant which achieved a profit of around $2,700
2022May1Pauline Colvin passed away at the age of 95. She joined this Committee in 2008 as Social Secretary until 2014 and will be sadly missed for her many years of service.Pauline Colvin passed away having served the Committee for 14 years
2022May11Platinum Jubilee Mothers Day Sparking High Tea at NSW Parliament House netted a profit of around $6,500
2022May12General Meeting via ZoomJane Ford was accepted as our new Auditor
2022Jun9General Meeting via Zoom with Lesley Cady tendering her resignation because she is returning to part-time workLesley Cady resigned
2022Jun9Revision to Sydney Opera House Ladies’ Constitution – Committee agreed at the last meeting that Section 12 “Accounts and Auditors” of the Constitution would have the following minor correction:  "CPS-certified auditor" to be changed to "qualified auditor". On 24 May, Sue emailed this changed Constitution to Committee and following 30 days' time, this change can be in force from 27 June 2022. Janet proposed that this amendment be accepted which was seconded by Jan and accepted by Committee.Constitution Change - Auditor
2022Jun26Pymble Players Matinee "Moonlight & Magnolias" resulted in profit of around $2,300
2022Jul14Lunch with Mr Darcy at Sydney Opera House's Yallamundi Rooms netted a profit of around $13,000
2022Sept8General Meeting at Sydney Opera House's Centre for Creativity with talk by Ralph BottCrispin Rice introduced temporary assistant Nick Hernett who will replace Michael sabater
2022Sept23Dinner with Faulty Towers at Castlereagh Boutique Hotel resulted in a profit of around $6,300
2022Oct13General Meeting in Pitt Street Meeting RoomsMichelle Feehan has written in the Condolence Book and sent a card to Government House on behalf of the Committee for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
2022Oct13Nick Hernett introduced Caitlyn Sinclair who will replace Michael Sabater as crispin Rice's assistantCommittee met Crispin Rice's assistant Caitlyn Sinclair
2022Nov10General Meeting at Sydney Opera House Green Room where Michelle Feehan introduced Norelle Feehan to the CommitteeNorelle Feehan invited to meeting
2022Nov12Government House (Canberra) Open Day attended by Janet Bagnall, Carolyn Lowry OAM and Peter Lowry OAMJanet Bagnall and Carolyn Lowry OAM met with Patron, Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley in Canberra
2022Dec1Christmas Luncheon held in NSW Parliament House attended by record of 161 guests resulted in a record profit of around $17,500
2022Dec1Total donation of $43,000 was given to the Sydney Opera House at the Christmas Luncheon. An additional $7,000 in terms of tax deductable donations has already been given to the Sydney Opera House Trust, making a total of $50,000 for this calendar yearRecord donation of $50,000 to Sydney Opera House achieved by Committee in 2022
2022Dec5Afternoon Tea at Admiralty House, Sydney on Monday, 5 December 2.30-4pm attended by Committee. Patron, Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley presented Pam Lord with a special recognition award for her 40 years of service with this CommitteePam Lord served 40 years with this Committee
2022Dec8Committee supported resignations of Agnes Matrai and Elizabeth White at AGMAgnes Matrai and Elizabeth White resigned after 6.5 years and 11 years of service, respectively
2022Dec8Committee approved changes to bring the Constitution more up-to-date at AGMConstitution updated for Auditor, Roles, President Emerita, Honorary Life Members, Election and Financial payments
2022Dec8Committee voted for new member, Norelle FeehanNorelle Feehan accepted as new Committee member
2022Dec8Committee voted two President Emeritas at AGMMarie Tysoe OAM and Jan Kneeshaw OAM voted to become President Emeritas.
2022Dec8Committee voted for three Honorary Life Members at AGMPam Lord, Marjorie May and Barbara Walters voted as Honorary Life Members
2023Feb9Michelle Feehan recommended couple of role changes in 2023 which was supported by Committee namely that Lina Jaundrell be the Secretary role instead of Elspeth Richards and Norelle Feehan fill the Social Secretary role instead of Barbara Mc-KenzieGayLina Jaundrell takes on Secretary role and Norelle Feehan takes on Social Secretary role
2023Mar9Committee supported Heather Easton to take on Minutes Secretary role instead of Lina JaundrellHeather Easton takes on Minutes Secretary role
2023Mar9Sarah Miller (New Philanthropy Manager reporting to Crispin Rice) was introduced to the Committee
2023Mar17St Patrick’s Day Blarney Brunch at RACA made a profit of $6,090 which included special donations of $1,160. This was thanks to Dwyer Whelan Irish Dance, Bob McInnes and Rhonda Langford OAM
2023Apr13Edward (Eddie) Bernasconi, new Foundations and Trust Manager, introduced himself. Eddie reports to Crispin Rice
2023May3Coronation & Mother’s Day Luncheon atThe Women’s Club made a profit of $4,700 which included special donations thanks to performance by John Martin
2023Jun8Pymble Players play, “Things I know to be True” made a profit of $3,000
2023Jul14Bastille Day event at The Women’s Club made a profit of $6,300 which included $2,200 in special donations. Excellent entertainment by Simon Kenway and Tanith Bryce who replaced Louise Keast
2023Aug10Jenny Spinak (Accessibility Manager, SOH) gave a talk on her involvement with the Access Program for past 10 years and how Committee has supported this cause
2023Sept14Louise Herron AM, SOH CEO, announced the appointments of Sarah Miller as Head of Philanthropy replacing Crispin Rice and Oliver Harris as Philanthropy Manager
2023Sept19SOH 50th and SOHLC 66th Anniversary Luncheon at Yallamundi Rooms in Opera House made a profit of $20,000 thanks to wonderful performamce by Teddy Tahu Rhodes and Guy Noble. This luncheon was also attended by Louise Herron AM, SOH CEO and Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley, our Patron
2023Oct12Michelle Feehan introduced and welcomed two new Committee members to the meeting: Eunjee Kim, Gayle Wakeling-TaylorEunjee Kim and Gayle Wakeling-Taylor welcomed to attend Committee meetings
2023Nov9Janelle Ryan, SOH Accessibility Operations Manager a.gave a presentation to Committee on their 2023 action plan and useful statistics for our website
2023Nov29Her Excellency, Mrs Linda Hurley, our Patron, invited Committee and special guest to an afternoon tea at Admiralty House
2023Dec14Michelle Feehan and Jan Kneeshaw attended the unveiling of the Donor Honour Board whereby the Opera House recognised the Committee's financial contribution over the years
2023Dec6Committee members attended Linda Banks' 100 Birthday celebration which was also attended by the Governor Gen eral and our Patron, Mrs Linda Hurley. Linda was past Treasurer for 28 yearsLinda Banks' 100 Birthday celebration
2023Dec8Sandra Bartels handed a cheque for $43,5800 to the SOH which on top of the $6,420 tax deductable donations paid directly to the SOH Trust meant this Committee again achieved the $50,000 donation for 2023
2023Dec8The Christmas Function resulted in a total profit of $12,700 which was a fantastic result. Sandra Bartels also advised that following this function a guest had made a further donation of $5,000. Committee thanked our performers/speakers: Nancye Hayes AM, Tony Sheldon and Michael Tyack AM
2023Dec14Committee members elected at AGM: Michelle Feehan (President), Barbara Oliver, Sue Haywood and Carolyn Lowry OAM (Vice-Presidents), Sandra Bartels (Treasurer and Ticketing Secretary), Eunjee Kim (Secretary), Barbara Oliver (Minutes Secretary), Janet Bagnall (Artistic Director), Jan McLachlan (Fundraising Co-ordinatopr), Heather Easton (Sponsorship Co-ordinator and Assistant Treasurer), Norelle Feehan (Social Secretary and Media Liaison Officer) and Jane Ford (Auditor)Committee election for 2023 roles and responsibilities at AGM
2023Dec14Committee elected Janet Bagnall to replace Carolyn Lowry OAM as Artistic Director. Carolyn was elected to Vice Pfesident roleJanet Bagnall replaced Carolyn Lowry OAM as Artistic Director. Carolyn was elected to Vice Pfesident role
2023Dec14Committee elected two new members: Eunjee Kim and Gayle Wakeling-Taylor. They also elected Eunjee Kim to replace Lina Jaundrell as SecretaryEunjee Kim replaced Lina Jaundrell as Secretary
2023Dec14Michelle Feehan and Jan Kneeshaw attended the unveiling of the Donor Honour Board whereby the Opera House recognised the Committee's financial contribution over the years
2023Dec6Committee members attended Linda Banks' 100 Birthday celebration which was also attended by the Governor Gen eral and our Patron, Mrs Linda Hurley. Linda was past Treasurer for 28 yearsLinda Banks' 100 Birthday celebration
2023Dec8Sandra Bartels handed a cheque for $43,5800 to the SOH which on top of the $6,420 tax deductable donations paid directly to the SOH Trust meant this Committee again achieved the $50,000 donation for 2023
2023Dec8The Christmas Function resulted in a total profit of $12,700 which was a fantastic result. Sandra Bartels also advised that following this function a guest had made a further donation of $5,000. Committee thanked our performers/speakers: Nancye Hayes AM, Tony Sheldon and Michael Tyack AM
2023Dec14Committee members elected at AGM: Michelle Feehan (President), Barbara Oliver, Sue Haywood and Carolyn Lowry OAM (Vice-Presidents), Sandra Bartels (Treasurer and Ticketing Secretary), Eunjee Kim (Secretary), Barbara Oliver (Minutes Secretary), Janet Bagnall (Artistic Director), Jan McLachlan (Fundraising Co-ordinatopr), Heather Easton (Sponsorship Co-ordinator and Assistant Treasurer), Norelle Feehan (Social Secretary and Media Liaison Officer) and Jane Ford (Auditor)Committee election for 2023 roles and responsibilities at AGM
2023Dec14Committee elected Janet Bagnall to replace Carolyn Lowry OAM as Artistic Director. Carolyn was elected to Vice President roleJanet Bagnall replaced Carolyn Lowry OAM as Artistic Director. Carolyn was elected to Vice Pfesident role
2023Dec14Committee elected two new members: Eunjee Kim and Gayle Wakeling-Taylor. They also elected Eunjee Kim to replace Lina Jaundrell as SecretaryEunjee Kim replaced Lina Jaundrell as Secretary
2024Mar14Pymble Players "The White Sheep of the Family" was held with great turn out, raising proft of $2,845.
2024Apr11New Chair of Sydney Opera House Trust, Michael McDaniel AO, advised at SOH strategy briefing to Idealist Donors that Louise Herron will be staying on in her role as CEO of the Sydney Opera House for a minimum of 3 years
2024May25Valda Wilson & Simon Ward Luncheon at Castlereagh Boutique Hotel was a SELL OUT event, accompanied by Brad Gilchrist. Event raised profit of $6,502 with an additional $2,270 tax-deductible donation to the Sydney Opera House Trust
2024June30Her Excellency Mrs Hurley relinquished her patronage roles as at 30th June 2024
2024July3Confirmation of new SOHLC Patrons - Government House Sydney advising acceptance of joint Vice Regal Patronage by the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC and Mr Dennis Wilson
2024July10High Tea with Kate McClymont (Guest speaker) at the Strangers' Room, NSW Parliament House with Michael Hope, hosted by Liesl Tesch MP. Event raised profit of $8,294.94. With additional donation of $1,000 to SOH Trust.
2024Aug22SOHLC Strategy-Planning Meeting for 2025 Events was held at SBW Conference Room to plan the 4 key events for 2025
2024Sept27Opera Bites at the Opera House - Luncheon in the Yallamundi Rooms. Welcomed our joint patrons Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of New South Wales and Mr Dennis Wilson. Event raised profit of $8,274.
2024Nov14SOH Philanthropy team's Sonia Grebenshikoff and Oliver Harris (Philanthropy Manager) extended thank you to SOHLC efforts, and shared plans for the SOH Philanthropy key activities in 2025 and opportunities to work closely between them and SOHLC
2024Dec5Annual Christmas Spectacular Luncheon held in Strangers’ Room at the NSW Parliament House, hosted by Ben Franklin. Raised profit of $14,252 plus additional donations to the trust of $3,350
2024Dec5Sandra Bartels handed a cheque for $38,730 to the SOH which on top of the $11,270 tax deductable donations paid directly to the SOH Trust meant this Committee again achieved the $50,000 donation for 2024
2024Dec12During AGM - Barbara McKenzie-Gay to be appointed Honorary Member of SOHLC. All other Committee members and roles unchanged